The Drink
"Don't drink on an empty stomach: the main point of the refreshment is the enhancement of food. Don't drink if you have the blues: it's a junk cure. Drink when you are in a good mood. Cheap booze is a false economy. It's not true that you shouldn't drink alone: these can be the happiest glasses you ever drain." -- Christopher HItchens
Everyone needs some handcrafted bar glasses in their home. Below are some designs and ideas being developed for regular production. Through discussions with clients and partners, we've learned many important details about how and why a glass is used. The drinking glass is simple yet deceptively complex. Other than size, factors that affect the drink enjoyment process include glass shape, thickness, color, seat, and texture. We look forward to the continued experimentation and feedback!
"Texas Sunset" Whiskey Glasses
Heavy Whiskey Glasses -"Mahogany Smoke"
These whiskey glasses are wider and heavier than traditional glasses. The color is made with a few rolls in glass powder (tourmaline and medium amber). Size is approximately 3.25" w by 3.25" h. Popular with hunters and large-handed men.
photo credit: Jorge del Alamo
Light Whiskey Glasses - "Mahogany Smoke"
These are tinted with a light coating of colored glass powder (tourmaline and medium amber). They are a lighter weight bar glass approximately 3" w by 4" h with a whisper taper towards the top. Nice balance of form and function.
photo credit: Jorge del Alamo
Mini Margarita Glasses - "Uncloudy Days"
Fun-sized tumblers for margaritas, mojitos and the like. We use very clean, transparent glass powders to tint these glasses. Some of our favorite colors are Gold Ruby, Bristol Green, Brilliant Copper Blue, Salmon, Brilliant Yellow and Hyacinth Violet
photo credit: Jorge del Alamo